12079 MP Q.No. 21 एउटा धनराशिको 2 वर्षको वार्षिक चक्रीय व्याज र साधारण व्याज क्रमशः रु. 1680 र रु. 1600 छन् । 2 वर्षमा उक्त धनराशिको त्यही व्याजदरमा हुने अर्धवार्षिक चक्रीय व्याज साधारण व्याजभन्दा कतिले वढी हुन्छ ? पत्ता लगाउनुहोस् । (The yearly compound interest and simple interest of a certain sum for 2 years are Rs. 1680 and Rs. 1600 respectively. How much does the half-yearly compound interest on same sum and rate is more than that of simple interest for 2 years? Find it.) Ans: Rs. 124.05​