GDP per capita measures the average income per person in a country. In 2017, Luxembourg had one of the world’s highest GDP per capita: $106,300. Burundi had the lowest: $700. Higher GDP per capita results in a higher standard of living. In this activity, you will complete a thematic map of Europe showing GDP per capita. Follow the instructions to complete the map. 1) Create a key by filling in each box with a different color. Use colored pencils. less than $25,000 $25,001-$35,000 $35,001-$45,000 over $45,001 2) Use an almanac, atlas, or other source to find the GDP per capita of each country labeled on the map. Use this information to color in each country according to the key. Hint: You should already have information for several countries in your country database. (You will need to download the attachment for this step.) 3) Answer the following questions. a. Which region(s) of Europe has higher GDP per capita? b. Which region(s) of Europe has lower GDP per capita? c. Most of Eastern Europe was under communist influence until around 1990. What lingering effect do you think communism might have on Eastern Europe? d. Research the GDP per capita for the United States. Where does the United States stand in comparison to the European countries you have studied?