The question is the following:
For what numbers yy is it possible to solve the equation y=tanxy=tanx.
I know that tan(90)tan(90) and tan(270)tan(270) will be undefined because there is a vertical slope and tan(0)tan(0) and tan(360)tan(360) will be 0 because there is a horizontal ""slope"".
I tried to calculate tan89.999999 in efforts to find the closest tangent (or slope) value before it is undefined and I got a long number 572957795.1, but when I simply do tan89 I get 57.28996163. I am not sure why this is happening. With these numbers how do I actually find the range of numbers that y can be in order to be able to solve y=tanx. Please note that I have worked in degree mode, but I see that in radian mode I get much smaller values that y can be. It might make more sense to work with radians because the tangent graphs can be seen in its true form through radian mode. Should I be working in degree or radian mode?