New genes created by genetic engineering produce brand new proteins called novel proteins. all proteins have the potential to trigger allergic reactions under certain conditions. novel proteins are not recognized by the human immune system. in most cases, these proteins are tested in petri dishes rather than the plant itself. Describe at least one advantage and one disadvantage of the production of novel proteins.
a. Advantage: Novel proteins are not recognized by the human immune system. Disadvantage: They can trigger allergic reactions.
b. Advantage: New genes created by genetic engineering. Disadvantage: Novel proteins are tested in petri dishes rather than the plant itself.
c. Advantage: Novel proteins are not recognized by the human immune system. Disadvantage: All proteins have the potential to trigger allergic reactions under certain conditions.
d. Advantage: Novel proteins are tested in petri dishes. Disadvantage: New genes created by genetic engineering.
e. All of the above