Alright this is about to be long guys I need this to study ( Reconstruction / Westward Expansion (Unit # 1)
Sharecropping, Black Codes, 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, KKK, Convict Leasing,Treatment of Native Americans
Industrial Revolution / Immigration (Unit #2 &3)
New Inventions (impact of), Transcontinental Railroad, Steel / Carnegie, Oil/ Rockefeller, Laissez Faire Capitalism, Monopolies/Why bad for the economy, Stock, Sherman Antitrust Act, Skyscrapers/Upward growth of cities, Mass Transit Systems/Outward growth of cities, Tenement Houses, Nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration/Ellis Island, Melting Pot/Salad Bowl, Problems for the working class, Push / Pull factors
The Progressive Era (Unit #4)
Gilded Age, Goals of the progressives, Characteristics of the progressives, Muckrakers, Upton Sinclair (The Jungle), Goal of Labor Unions, Strikes and the government’s response to them, Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Child Labor Reform/Mandatory Public School for kdis, Racial Reform/Plessy vs. Ferguson, WEB DuBois/ NAACP, Booker T. Washington/Tuskegee Institute, Teddy Roosevelt, Trust Busting, Secret Ballot
Imperialism (Unit #5)
Reasons for Imperialism, Reasons for opposition (against) to Imperialism, Monroe Doctrine,Causes of the Spanish American War: Yellow Journalism, U.S. investments in Cuba, Sinking of the USS Maine. Teddy Roosevelt, Outcomes of the Spanish American War, Annexation of Hawaii, Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, Cultural Superiority
The Great War / WWI (Unit #6)
4 causes of WWI, Spark that started the war/Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Allies/ Central Powers, Trench Warfare/Stalemate- Machine Guns/ Mustard Gas, Reasons for U.S. Neutrality, Zimmerman Note, Propaganda, Lusitania, German U-boats, Selective Service Act/ Mobilizing for the war, Great Migration, How was the war funded, Reason why US entry was needed for the Allies, Bolshevik Revolution, Wilson's 14 points (main ideas, not individual pts), League of Nations, Opposition to Wilson's 14 points, Treaty of Versailles, Opposition to the Treaty of Versailles in the U.S., Impact of the war on Europe and the United States, Harlem Hellfighters
The Roaring Twenties (1920's) (Unit #7)
U.S. Isolationism, Consumerism, Buying on Credit, Role of Women / Flappers, 19th Amendment, Importance of the Car-Henry Ford, The Assembly Line, Charles Lindbergh accomplishment, Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Music, Prohibition / 18th amendment, Radio, Organized Crime / Al Capone, Bootlegging, Speakeasies, Scopes Trial, Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti, KKK
Great Depression (Unit #7)
President Hoover, Rugged Individualism, Laissez Faire, Causes of the Great Depression, Causes of the Stock Market Crash, Buying on Margin, Hoovervilles / Shanty Towns, F.D. Roosevelt, New Deal/Direct Relief, How were farmers affected?(Dust Bowl) Difference between Rural and Urban Areas, Bonus Army)