The Boys in the Boat – January 1, 2014
Chapter 1-8 Review
Multiple choice answers available on the pdf attached. Use Attachment
The main character of the story is
When in high school, Joe Rantz made money by
The coach of the freshman boat at the University of Washington is
Each chapter starts with a philosophical quote from a boat-builder named
What does it mean to "catch a crab"?
In what time period does the story take place?
What team is UW's biggest crew rival?
Joe Rantz's childhood could best be described as
Where do the college rowing championships take place?
Where will the 1936 Olympics take place?
What happened when Joe was four years old?
Throughout his childhood, Joe learned the importance of
True or false - Thula, Joe's stepmother, lov3s him.
The UW crew met in the shell house. What was upstairs in the second story of the shell house?
Joe Rantz's significant other is named
Discuss the importance of the George Pocock quotes at the beginning of each chapter.
Explain the different ways the author uses 'juxtaposition' in the novel.
The 1936 Olympics are going to be in Germany. Explain why Hitler agrees to hold the Olympics here and the different preparations he is making.
Because of Joe's past, he has trouble trusting people. Discuss how you think this will apply to his rowing career at the University of Washington.
What are the benefits of building the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington?