Requirements: 1. Create all stories on PAPER In your own handwriting or print. 2. Use all the provided vocabulary words. Underline each vocabulary word you use. 3. Stories must be at least 10 or more complete sentences. It can be one or more paragraphs. 4. All stories will be assigned Wednesday during class time. All stories are due by the following Wednesday. 5. DUE DATE: Wednesday, January 31st 6. Return this sheet with your story. Week 2 Vocabulary: January 22 - 26 1. communicate: share information with others, usually by speaking or writing 2. construct: to build 3. describe: to give a representation or given account in words 4. evaluate: to decide the value or worth after study explanation 5. instinct: an inherited behavior, one that is not learned but is done automatically 6. obtain: to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort 7. process: actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result 8. stimuli: a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.