Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows:
Tiger are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength. There were eight sub-species of tigers at one time, but three became extinct during the twentieth century. Over the last hundred years, hunting and destruction of forests have heavily reduced the tiger population. Tigers are hunted as trophics and also for their body parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicines. The remaining five species are endangered and need to be protected.
Sundarban mangroves in West Bengal have been a natural habitat for tigers and they are commonly known as 'Royal Bengal Tiger'. They are the most common variety and account for about half of all the wild tigers.
Tigers live alone and scent mark large areas to keep their rivals among. They are nocturnal hunters and travel many miles to find large animals, like deer and buffalos. Tigers use their stripes as cammon flage and lie in wait for their prey to come near, so that they can pounce on their prey.
Despite their fearsome appearance, most tigers avoid human beings. Sometimes they become man-eaters when they grow old or sick and are unable to hunt or when their habitat is destroyed.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions. Choose the best option wherever given.
Pick out the words from the passage which mean similar to:
(A) does not exist
(B) leap to attack​