
3. How do the results obtained from the spinal tap and blood sample support the
diagnosis? How do the results obtained from the spinal tap rule out viral encephalitis? (3marks).

4. Other than meningitis or encephalitis, what conditions could account for some or all of
Heather’s signs and symptoms? Justify your answer. (4 marks).
5. Why are fluid and electrolyte replacement necessary? (2 marks)
6. If inflammation of Heather’s meninges had caused compression of the brain, how would
the ventricles appear in the CT scan? (3 marks)
7. Polio compromises respiratory function in some patients, requiring the use of a
mechanical ventilator. What happens at the cellular level to cause these breathing
problems? (3 marks)
8. Recall that virtually all cases of polio in the United States now result from the polio
vaccine itself. In light of this, would you choose to have your child vaccinated against
polio? Why or why not? (3 marks)
9. Describe the pathophysiology underlying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)? (3 marks)
10. John is brought into the emergency room after a motorcycle accident. At the scene, he
was found unconscious, with numerous scrapes and bruises on the left side of his head
and swelling above his right ear. When he regains consciousness 3 hours later, he
complains of a headache and appears dazed. His speech is slurred, and his pupils are
equal and reactive to light. Twenty-four hours later, all signs appear normal. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis of John’s condition (choose from the list
below)? Justify your answer. (4 marks)
a) mild concussion
b) massive subdural hematoma
c) severe concussion
d) meningitis
e) cerebral contusion