Constructing a Critical Response Paragraph
For this discussion, you’ll write a 200-225 word critical response paragraph. This will help you prepare for the Formal Critical Response assignment that you will write later in the course.
Be sure to choose only one or two guiding questions from the analyzing rhetorical elements, analyzing ideas, and reflection sections of the “Writing a Critical Response” lesson to develop thoroughly. By choosing just one or two, you will have the opportunity to really explain the impact and significance of what you have decided to discuss, showing your audience you have thoroughly considered the meaning and importance of your points and demonstrating excellent critical analysis skills.First, annotate as you read the following article, which is accessible through the course Reading List.
Kunze, J. (2022, May 8). “The United States lags behind” on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Natives say. Native News Online.
Then follow these guidelines as you write a 200-225 word critical response paragraph to the article and post it to this discussion board:
Decide on your reader audience and consider what they need to know from your paragraph.
Apply the writing process to help you develop your critical response.
Formulate your position statement.
Include the article title, date and author name in the position statement.
Make sure to use correct APA in-text citations and formatting. Use a spelling and grammar check and follow the revision process before copying it into your post. Add the APA reference provided for your article.