An individual was employed as a church custodian for a fixed salary of $30,000 per year. This salary was payment for a normal 40 hour work week. The custodian was responsible for cleaning and maintaining the church and church property. The church also had a grade school that they operated. The grade school was separated from the church, but the church employed all the teachers and staff in the school. The school was looking for a part-time janitor. The school wanted to pay the janitor $9.00 per hour for five (5) hours of work each school day evening.
The church custodian applied for, and was given the job as the part-time janitor for the school. He was to continue his day job as the custodian for the church.
How should the custodian's pay be calculated? Can the two jobs be separated for payroll purposes? What types of issues are involved given your understanding of the Fair Labor Standards Act as it is described in Chapter 2?