
Act IV Taming of the Shrew questions

1. Grumio shares the events of Katherina and Petruchio’s trip home with Curtis. Describe what has happened
along the way.
2. When Kate and Petruchio arrive, what complaints does Petruchio make against the servants and supper?
How does Kate respond?
3. After Kate has been left in the bridal chamber, Petruchio shares the method of his “taming” so far and plots
out what he will try next. What is it he plans to do?
4. Back in Padua, what do Tranio (disguised at Lucentio) and Hortensio witness? What oath do they make to
each other as a result?
5. How does Bianca respond to the comment that Hortensio will also tame the widow he plans to marry?
6. What is Tranio’s next task?
7. How does Tranio convince the Pedant to play the role he suggests?
8. What is Kate’s argument with Grumio about?
9. What complaint does Petruchio find against both the haberdasher and the tailor? How does Kate react?
10. Who has become Petruchio’s partner in crime in his plans?
11. Why are Kate and Petruchio’s plans to feast at her father’s house ruined?
12. What are Tranio and the Pedant able to accomplish on Lucentio’s behalf?
13. How does Petruchio test Kate as they prepare once again to travel to Padua? How does she respond?
14. Whom does Kate call a young girl? Why is he traveling? What news do they give him?