Read the argument below and determine the underlying reasoning that was used to come to the conclusion presented:
If a teen wants to buy video games, they have to get a part-time job and save their money. This teen wants the newest game available for their console, so they get a job mowing lawns and stop spending money on candy.
Which other argument has the same structure or pattern of argument as used above?
a. People who garden for over an hour a day are good gardeners. Person
1 gardens for 2 hours a day, therefore they are a good gardener.
b. Gardening is difficult at first, but if you stick with it for a few weeks it will get easier. Person 1 has only been gardening for three days, so it should start getting easier in a couple weeks.
c. Someone who wants to become a good gardener has to learn from experts and practice what they learn. An individual wants to become a great gardener, so they talk to a local farmer and plants a garden in their backyard.