
You have responded to a scene at which a 45-year-old man has run his SUV into a utility pole. On arrival, the driver was found slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious. A large electrical wire was lying across the hood of the vehicle. After securing scene safety, you were able to approach the patient and complete a primary assessment, in which you found a 6" (15.4-cm) laceration across his forehead. The patient regained responsiveness, was alert and oriented, and refused care. If the patient refuses to sign the refusal form:
A) Sign it yourself and state: "Patient refused to sign."
B) You cannot let the man leave the scene until he either goes with you or signs the form.
C) Have a credible witness sign the form testifying that he or she witnessed the patient's refusal of care.
D) Nothing more needs to be done. If the patient refuses care, you don't have to document it.