The upstream and downstream diameters of a diffuser of length 4 meters containing an incompressible flow of a fluid of density P, are 40cm and 80cm respectively. The discharge of fluid at a certain location in the diffuser is equal to 100lit/s, which is found to be increasing at the rate of 20 lit/s. The local and convective acceleration at 2.5 m from the upstream end, for the flow of the fluid are

0.0602 m³/s and -0.028 m/s² respectively

0.0546m/s and -0.036 m/s² respectively

0.0781m/s and -0.046 m/s² respectively

0.0647m³/s and -0.016m/s² respectively

The upstream and downstream diameters of a diffuser of length 4 meters containing an incompressible flow of a fluid of density P are 40cm and 80cm respectively class=