The percentage of adolescents ages 13 to 18 owning a cell phone in 2012 compared to 2022 for 12 states was gathered.
State Percentage of Adolescents
with Cell Phones in 2012 Percentage of Adolescents
with Cell Phones in 2022
1 11.9 25.9
2 15.3 27.1
3 16.8 27.4
4 19 28.9
5 21.1 31.7
6 21.3 41.1
7 21.4 40
8 21.5 42
9 22.1 50.9
10 24.6 43.7
11 28.7 52.6
12 30.8 72.3

What is the predicted percentage of adolescents having a cell phone in 2022 for State 13 if the percentage in 2012 was 20.06