Design a processor with a minimum number of instructions to perform the basic arithmetic, logic, shift, I/O and program control instructions. This includes:

Designing an original/novel instruction set architecture (ISA) along with the sequence of microoperations and a unique binary encoding for each instruction

Defining the instruction formats and addressing modes.
Deciding what size of memory is required.
Deciding how many and what registers the processor should have.
Complete CPU design and the design of the system bus.
Control of Registers, Flags and Memory
Interrupts initiated or Program Controlled I/O
Complete computer description

You may follow the Basic Computer design but your design must not be completely identical to the Basic Computer.

The design should consist of the following components: -

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

a. ALU and CU designs
b. Instruction formats
c. Addressing modes
d. Memory and register organizations
e. Complete computer description