Cameron is a 7-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with ADHD and started on psychostimulants. Two months later there has been no meaningful improvement of symptoms, and he is referred from primary care to a PMHNP. While reviewing his records, the PMHNP notes that Cameron has been living with his aunt and uncle and their four children since the death of his mother 6 months ago. Cameron, who reportedly was always a happy and well-adjusted only child, developed symptoms shortly after these major life changes. His symptoms were characterized primarily by temper tantrums and an inability to sit still. He is not functioning well in school and is having repeated stomachaches and headaches. The PMHNP considers that the most appropriate action would be to stop the psychostimulant and assess Cameron for:
1) Depression
2) Anxiety
3) Bipolar disorder
4) Trauma-related disorder