Does anybody have excruciating chronic back pain for years on end, or know someone who does? A very close family member, since a very young age, has had awful episodes of such severe back pain they can't do anything else but sit in pain for days, and they're now in their 50s. They are in desperate need of help. Nothing has worked to help reduce the pain - and they've tried a TON of methods. The pain is "indescribable" because it is so severe and it can consist of "stabbing, pinching and burning" that makes them shriek out loud in pain. When they have this pain, which is VERY often, they also cannot sleep and so they are very sleep deprived. It seriously limits their life and they're desperate. Please, if anyone has experienced something like this, or knows someone who has, it would really be greatly appreciated if you have any ideas, solutions, or methods to help this. Thank you so much.