Malaria brings about 1 to 1.5 million deaths each year. It is a communicable disease
caused by a parasitic protozoan, which is transferred to the human bloodstream by a
mosquito. Symptoms include fever, shivering, joint pain, headache, and vomiting. In
severe cases, patients can have kidney failure and can lapse into a coma.
It is prevalent in the tropics and countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly 90%
of all malaria cases occur. Cases of malaria constitute 25% of children’s deaths in
Africa. The disease-carrying mosquitoes flourish around stagnant waters. Therefore,
protective measures include developing drainage programs. Protective clothing,
repellents, bed nets, and mosquito control programs are also effective.
"Gary? Help me! Help! They’re after me!" Lou shouted into the house as he
slammed the front door shut and locked it. Footsteps rang throughout the house as he
frantically searched for the one person that could help him.
"Lou? I’m in the living room!" Gary yelled.
In hysteria, Lou raced to meet his big brother. Tears streamed down his face. His
unkempt black hair was sticking up every which way, and his shirt was wrinkled and wet
with sweat. Layers of mud covered his backside like frosting.
"Lou! What happened to you? You look awful!"
Lou could only gasp and shake in reply; sobs racked his body. "They’re—after—me,"
he whispered.
"Who’s after you? You’ve got to calm down, man. Take a deep breath." Gary placed
his hands on his brother’s shoulders. "Look at me. Calm down. Who’s after you?"
"The McCallen brothers. You’ve got to help me, Gary! Please!" Lou broke down
again and fell down to kneel at his brother’s feet. Mud, sweat, and tears streamed down
onto the hardwood floors.
A shadow fell over Gary’s face at the mention of the McCallen brothers, the most
feared men in the neighborhood. What did Lou do to anger them? "Quit groveling, Lou!
Of course I’ll help you. I’m your big brother, ain’t I? Now get up and quit acting like such
a baby!" Lou’s insane behavior was beginning to exasperate him. Gary pulled Lou back
up and pushed him down into a chair. "Now tell me exactly what’s happened. Don’t
leave a thing out."
Read the following sentences from the passage.
""Quit groveling, Lou! Of course I'll help you.""
Which of these words is a synonym of groveling?
A. running
B. begging
C. digging
D. ignoring