Merchants of Cool, a PBS Frontline documentary, shows how companies exploit the youth culture. The documentary talks about how advertisers market products to teenagers by studying their hopes and desires. They then sell these hopes and desires back to teens in a diabolical feedback loop.
The film describes how marketers study teens to figure out what’s "cool." Information on what is "cool" is used to create products that reflect exactly what teens want. For example, Sprite wanted to increase its market share in the soft-drinks category; therefore, it launched teen-targeted ad campaigns. The company featured hip hop artists, baggy jeans, and sneakers in its ads. Teens were able to connect with this culture, and this boosted Sprite sales.
This documentary should be shown at every junior and senior school. By watching this film, teenagers will realize how advertisers are manipulating them.
The author of this selection feels
A. advertisers should better understand teenagers.
B.that documentary viewing should be mandatory.
C. companies run advertisements to help kids learn.
D. that companies take unfair advantage of teens.