Megan McCoy has a bachelor's degree in business management and human resources. She has five years of human resources experience as an HR assistant with her current employer. Megan thinks that, with her education and experience, she is qualified for the position of HR manager. After observing her own boss, she feels confident that she could do that job. However, Megan knows that she does not see everything that her boss does, and may not be aware of all the TDRs (tasks, duties, and responsibilities) of the job and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) necessary to do the job. To obtain more information about the occupation of an HR manager, Megan did some research using the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
Which of the following would Megan NOT find on the Details Report as a core/essential task of an HR manager?

a.Advise managers on organizational policy matters and recommend needed changes.
b.Analyze compensation and benefits policies to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
c.Contract with vendors to provide employee services, such as food service.
d.Perform difficult staffing duties, including administering disciplinary procedures.
e.Serve as a link between management and employees by helping resolve work-related problems.