A 28-year-old man presents with a 2-week history of a lump in his groin. While lifting a heater unit, he felt a ""pop"" in his groin and began to notice an outpouching in his lower abdomen; it has become mildly tender over the last week. Resting and lying flat appears to help, and standing and lifting aggravates it. He denies any fevers, nausea, vomiting, or changes in bowel habits. Patient denies any previous abdominal surgeries or procedures. Upon examination, you identify a soft, reducible mass in the lower abdomen, and hernia examination reveals a mass pushing against your finger. An ultrasound of the lower abdomen shows the intestinal sac has traversed the deep inguinal ring.
What is the patient's condition called?
A) Direct inguinal hernia
B) Femoral hernia
C) Indirect inguinal hernia
D) Umbilical hernia
E) Incisional hernia