Shannon a 17-year-old aboriginal woman living in her in Grassy Narrows Ontario, this was an unplanned pregnancy and she was very surprised that she was pregnant. She lives with her older sister Bess who is 19 and does not have contact with any of her other family. She and her sister were in foster care until her older sister turned 18. When Shannon discovered she was pregnant she stopped using alcohol and drugs. Shannon and Bess were in several different foster homes during their life time. Shannon has some contact with her grandmother who has be dealing with her own health issues. She wants to make sure that she can be the best parent she can be. She is determined to the best for her child.

What information would you want to acquire? What would be your concerns for this family and what recommendations would you make.

When writing this up: Clearly indicate level of analysis you are describing and how that information is going to impact potentially the life of the child.

• Ego: describes the impact of prenatal and genetic environment, Reviews potential risks and inquires about specific issues

• Microsystem : Describes the impact of the system on the ego and reviews potential risks and inquiries about specific issues

• Mesosystem : Describes the impact of the system on the ego and reviews potential risks and inquiries about specific issues

• Exosystem; Describes the impact of the system on the ego and reviews potential risks and inquiries about specific issues

• Macrosystem : Describes the impact of the system on the ego and reviews potential risks and inquiries about specific issues

• Chronosystem: Describes the impact of the system on the ego and reviews potential risks and inquiries about specific issues