Read the case of Waters v. Min Ltd, a 1992 Massachusetts case summarized in the text – and the full case can be found at 587 NE 2d 231. Based on the holding in that case – how would you expect the following case to be decided?Jon (age 85) is suffering from dementia. He still lives in his long-time home, which is worth $500,000. His neighbor Bill comes over, and gets Jon to sign an agreement to sell his house to Bill for $50,000, and gets Jon to sign a deed to transfer the title to Bill. Jon does not remember signing anything. Jon’s son, Donald, goes to court to try to get a judge to "void" the sale. What will probably happen?a. The judge will enforce the contract and deed, because it was signed by Jon. B. The judge will declare the agreement "void" and rule that the deed is not valid under the circumstances. C. The judge will re-write the agreement, with a new price of $500,000, and force Bill to pay the full price