Impatiently rejected, would slip to the floor. I fold them again and put them back in their places; and this extra work, I discovered, I was doing only to help him in his effort to be elegant in his seduction of 15 another woman. I forced myself to check my agitation 20 2.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches the name in COLUMN B. Write only the letter (A-E) next to the question Numbers (2.1.1(a) to (2.1.1 (d) in the ANSWER BOOK Column A (a) Imam (b) Tamsir (c) Daba (d) Binetou Column B A. Binetou's confidant B. Modou's second wife C. The local spiritual leader D. Modou's older brother E. Binetou's mother 2.2 Explain why the following sentence is false. 'When Modou was going out every night, it was to attend his union meetings' (1) 6 2.3 Refer to line 2-4 ... to determine where the break in the thread had occurred from which everything has unwound' a. Identify the figure of speech in this line (1) b. Explain why this figure of speech is relevant in this extract. 2.4 Refer to the line 9 He had simply said: 'Don't expect me for lunch." a. What tone would Modou use in this line? b. Why would he use this tone? 2.5. What does this extract reveal about the Narrator's character? 2.6 One of the themes in this story is BETRAYAL. Discuss this theme by referring to the narrator and her daughter. Total:15 (1) (1) (2)​