is the answer night of wor c) Learner says: Concept(s)/aspect(s) involved "100 + 10 = 9 remainder 0" Is the answer right or wrong? Give reasons/explanation (2) d) Learner says: Concept(s)/aspect(s) involved (1) 3 is closer to one" 4 e) Learner says: 1000 cubes number represented by these Dienes blocks is 1 000 100 101 the Is the answer right or wrong? Give reasons/explanation (2) Concept(s)/aspect(s) involved (1) Is the answer right or wrong? Give reasons/explanation (2) How do a square and a rectangle differ? Show two different rectangles that both have a perimeter of 12 cm. Can a trapezium have three different kinds of angles: right-, acute and obtuse angles? Question 5:2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional objects Complete the table below: In the first column is the question. In the second column, you are required to explain verbally to a learner. In the third column, you are required to illustrate the idea with a sketch. Question What are the characteristics of a polygon? It is always true that one of the two sets of opposite sides of a trapezium has the same length. Verbal explanation (1) (1) (1) (1) planation 4 (1) (1) MTE1501/102/0/2023 6 Sketch (15 marks) (3) (3) (3) (20 marks)