
Nupur Nagpal, after compleftng her M.B.A. stud es, began to help her father, Shri Bhushan Nagpal, in his business. The business with a limited capital investment, was running successfully. All the workers were happy. Nupur wanted to use the modern business techniques in every area of business, namely, purchase, sale, production, finance, etc. In fact, she wanted to implement the methods, which she had studied in her M.B.A., in her business. As soon as she started interfering in the business with her latest techniques, the workers began to protest against her. Looking at the increasing protest against herself, she became disappointed. Ultimately, she gave up her business and started working in another company. In the business such circumstances were created that even her father could not take any balanced decision. Good Workers began to leave the business. The goodwill of the business in the market went on declining. In no time, the liabilities of business became many times more than his assets. On account of the pressure exerted on him by the creditors, Mr. Nagpal cleared the debts of business by disposing of his domestic properties. Mr. Nagpal could not bear with this situation and owing to his heart failure, he died. Ultimately, the business got closed. (a)To which form of business organization is concerned the above paragraph .