A microeconomist wants to determine how corporate sales are influenced by capital and wage spending by companies. She proceeds to randomly select 26 large corporations and record information in millions of dollars. The Microsoft Excel output below shows results of this multiple regression.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.830
R Square 0.689
Adjusted R Square 0.662
Standard Error 17501.643
Observations 26
df SS MS F Signif F
Regression 2 15579777040 7789888520 25.432 0.0001
Residual 23 7045072780 306307512
Total 25 22624849820
Coeff StdError t Stat P-value
Intercept 15800.0000 6038.2999 2.617 0.0154
Capital 0.1245 0.2045 0.609 0.5485
Wages 7.0762 1.4729 4.804 0.0001
Please analyze in detail the regression outcome, what conclusions you can make? Discuss and explain.