Calculate the final volume (in cm3) of a 40 cm long cylindirical copper rod with a cross-sectional area of
1. 2 cm2 when it is
a) stretched with a load of 4. 0×105 Newtons,
(ν= 0. 32, E= 70 GPa, σy = 300 GPa, σTS= 650 GPa, rCu = 120 pm)
b) Compare the absolute volume change during this process.
c) Assume that the stress is applied along [100] direction. Compute the unit cell parameters (a, b,
and c) during the application of the stress.
2) A cylindirical rod of a length of 22. 4 cm and a radius of 1. 2 cm is deformed plastically when it is pressed
with load of 4. 758×108 Newtons. Calculate the final volume of the specimen after the load is released.
(ν= 0. 32, E= 70 GPa, σy = 300 GPa, σTS= 650 GPa. )