Forms of Energy and Energy Transfer
Match the following words with which type of energy they represent or store.
Write the letter on the line.
A bicycle
B. uranium atom's nucleus
C. heat lamp warming a lizard
D. an apple
E. heat
F. cymbals crashing
G. battery
8. Which of the following is NOT a way that thermal energy is transferred?
a. Conduction
b. Condensation
c. Radiation d.
9. Which of the following scenarios represents thermal energy transfer through radiation?
a. A thermometer sitting on top of a heat lamp
A person trying to unscrew a hot light bulb
A child sitting in front of a space heater
d. Swimming in the pool, and noticing that the deeper end of the pool is colder than the shallow end
10. A light was left on over night on a desk. What kind of heat was being let off from the bulb? a.
c. Radiation
d. Solar
11. During the summer the energy from the sun causes the black top on some roads to get so hot, the tar bubbles on the surface. What kind of energy transfer causes the molecules within the black top to move?
b. Conduction
c. Radiation
d. Potential
12. Within the local weather report, high winds are said to be moving into the area. What type of energy is responsible for the flow of energy which creates wind?
13. Radiation is energy which is transferred through
a. Waves Convection Conduction
d. movement
14. Pam places a test tube containing water over a Bunsen burner (flame and lights it. Describe the heating process of the contents of the test tube. If you need more space, staple a separate sheet of paper.
Identify each phase of thermodynamics - meaning - conduction and convection
Describe the movement of the water molecules
Scientific Method In Action
The Strange Case of Beriberi
In 1887 a strange nerve disease attacked the people the Dutch East Indies. The disease was Beriberi.
Symptoms of the disease included weakness and loss of appetite. Victims often died of heart failure. Scientists thought the disease might be caused by bacteria. They injected chickens with bacteria from the blood of patients with beriberi. The injected chickens became sick. However, so did a group of chickens that were not injected with bacteria.
One of the scientists, Dr. Eijkman, noticed something. Before the experiment, all the chickens had eaten whole-grain rice, but during the experiment, the
chickens were fed polished rice. Dr. Eijkman researched this interesting case and found that polished rice lacked thiamine, a vitamin necessary for good
1. State the Problem
2. What was the hypothesis?
3. How was the hypothesis tested?
4. Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?
5. What should be the new hypothesis and how would you test it?
6. Identify the problem.
The Discovery of Penicillin
In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming was studying Staphylococcus bacteria growing in culture dishes. He noticed that a mold called Penicillium was also growing in some of the dishes. A clear area existed around the mold because all the bacteria that had grown in this area had died. In the culture dishes without the mold, no clear areas were present.
Fleming hypothesized that the mold must be producing a chemical that killed the bacteria. He decided to isolate this substance and test it to see if it would kill bacteria. Fleming transferred the mold to a nutrient broth solution.
This solution contained all the materials the mold needed to grow. After the mold grew, he removed it from the nutrient broth. Fleming then added the nutrient broth in which the mold had grown to a culture of bacteria. He observed that the bacteria died. This mold was later used to develop antibiotics, for the purpose of treating a variety of diseases.
7. What was Fleming's hypothesis?
8. How was the hypothesis tested?
9. Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?