Part A-Practical A local company currently sorts three colours of plastic discs. The discs arrive in the same order each time: ie. 1 silver,1 black and 2 white. The process is repeated continuously until stopped by the operator. Investigate whether the company will be able to fulfill the following orders for the month: Black-12 500, Silver-14 000, white-28 000. The company operates for 22 days in the month, from 8am to 5pm-with a break for lunch from 12:00 to 13:00 when all machines are switched off. Average time taken to setup the machines is negligible. Only fully completed parts should be counted. Resources required: Video of Sorting Process, Stopwatch or suitable timing mechanism, Writing material, Calculator 1. Describe the approach you will take in order to solve this problem. 2. Develop an appropriate data table and record your timing observations. 3. Show all calculations to justify your answer. 4. State your conclusions and recommendations to the company.