Which excerpt from text demonstrates Arnold's love for his family? A. "Sometimes, on these summer days, Arnold would deliberately come out from the shade where he was playing and make himself as uncomfortable as his mother was in the kitchen by
standing in the sun until the sweat ran down his body." (Paragraph 8) B. "If his parents never called him, he thought, he would stay up in the loft forever, out of the way. In the night he would sneak down for a drink of water from the faucet over the trough and for whatever food they left for him by the barn." (Paragraph 37) C. "Arnold felt his father watching him, and he lifted his eyes with painful casualness to the announcement on the opposite wall, of the Corinth County Annual Rodeo, and then to the clock with its loudly clucking pendulum." (Paragraph 44) D. "Even as he had been undecided before supper whether to remain outside or take his place at the table, he now thought that he should go upstairs, and yet he stayed to avoid being conspicuous by his absence." (Paragraph 86)