Chapter 6 Identifying Toddler Development and Related Theories
Read the following scenarios. The examples include typical physical, cognitive and
developmental theories that relate to toddlers Use figure 6-11 Developmental
socio-emotional developmental milestones. Each scenario also includes descriptions of
months. Then, using the material in the textbook, together with the information we have
Milestones Ages 1 through 2 in the textbook to identify the age range of the toddler in
discussed in class, list the theorist and theory that applies to each scenario and explain
your reasoning.
2. Wheth
theorist is involved?
which theory is involved?
Due date:
dancing, Yu Hin tries to imitate his family relatives by dancing in place. He can
1.Yu Hin is a part of a large, social family. At a family party, with music and
I walk with help, but cannot run. Yu Hin has also taken interest in his older cousin's
puzzle. This puzzle is above his age level, but with his cousin's help, Yu Hin is
able to put some pieces in the right place. To help him, his cousin selects a
puzzle piece and places the piece next to where it belongs in the puzzle. Yu Hin is
then able to successfully place the puzzle piece. He also points to this next piece
to place it within the picture.
X.What age is the child in the scenario?
What teaching techniques man's older cousin using to help Yu Hin assemble the
puzzle? ZPD
5. Explain your reasoning for question #4. Because In the Book on page 1.28
TOP 6-5 VN gotsky stated that toddlers are Likely.
to Follow Others Around them, Matter of fact Vygot
2. Li can sit without support and move from the sitting to crawling position. She has
recently developed an attachment to a soft yellow blanket. The blanket seems to
emotionally comfort Li. She will also chew on the blanket sometimes. When Li's mother
1. What age is the child in the scenario?
2. What theorist is involved?
brings Li to play with the neighbor, they bring the blanket. The neighbor, Evan, is also a
toddler. Li and Evan will sit next to each other and play with the objects in front of them,
but they do not interact much with each other.