
Have the function BinaryTree(strArr) take the array of strings stored in strArr, which will contain pairs of integers in the following format: (i1,i2), where i1 represents a child node in a tree and the second integer i2 signifies that it is the parent of i1. For example: if strArr is ["(1,2)", "(7,2)"], then this forms the following tree, which is a proper biary tree.

Your program should, in this case, return true because a valid binary tree can be formed. If a proper binary tree cannot be formed with the integer pairs, then return false. All of the integers within the tree will be unique, which means there can only be one node in the tree with the given integer value.

The binary tree is valid, if:

The left subtree contains nodes less than the parent node
The right subtree contains nodes greater than the parent node
Your program must contain and use the following:

Function that takes an array of strings each string in the format (i1,i2), and returns true or false:
bool BinaryTree (string [] strArr, int size);

The array size is 2
Sample outputs (user input is indicated as bold):


(1,2) (7,2)


(2,1) (3,1)
