Go to artofstat.com, click on Web Apps, scroll down and open the Explore Coverage app. Change the tab at the top of the page to Confidence Interval for a Mean. Change the "Select shape of population distribution" drop down menu to Bell-shaped and use the default mean=50 and standard deviation=10. Under "Choose confidence level (in %)" set it at 20%. Under "Select sample size (n)" use the default of n-30. Under "Select how many samples (of size n) you want to draw from the population" select 100. Click on "Draw sample(s)" and note that one hundred confidence intervals appear under the population graph. Go back and change the confidence levels to 95% and then to 99%. What happens to the coverage as the confidence level increases from 90% to 99%? There is no trend. It stays the same. It increases. O It decreases.