Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think cyber crime is a threatening fraud? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a credit/ visa or debit card? 3. Having a cash less society is one of the aims of any developing or developed country. What could be the advantages and disadvantages of carrying your card around to undertake daily transactions? 4. Why are banks putting up measures such as limited transactions in a day by a customer, even though the money is owned by the customer and he or she should be allowed to undertake any number of transactions they like? 5. When a customer has suffered losses via credit card fraud, is it only the customer's loss or the bank's loss as well? Explain why or why not? 6. Find out the maximum amount of withdrawal you can make in a day using your access card from a Fijian bank. Why is there a limit this? 7. Some emails can be sent cloning as your employer asking for your information. What should you do in such a case? 8. What is the measure you should undertake if you identify any unusual transaction from your account? Why should you undertake that measure? 9. What measures has Fiji as a country undertaken to ensure it is safe from cyber fraud? 10. After studying the lecture on cyber fraud, what measures should you undertake to ensure that you and your employer is safe from cyber fraud?