Pragram Tachogesins, has narrowed ts choice of outsourcing provider to two na located in different countries Pragram wants to dec has pued her eacutives and established four oferis The resulting ratings for the two countries are presented in the late below, where 1 an Price with a weight of 1, Neareas, with 0 Technology, wh 02 and Heatory with 0.1 Using the weighted factoring method, which country would you selec in the forkowing table, compute the total weighted score for each candidate jenter your responses munded to call Criteria Selection Criterion (Risk Factors) Weight England Canada 6.10 0.00 3 Price of service hun outsour Naamess of facities to de Level of technology Hatory of success outsourcing Total Weighted Score 0.20 3 4 0.10 4 2 19 HW Score: 0.00%, 1 of 11 points Point of 4 Save of the two countries is the ballar choice, besed on vah Nghe Assume that the eves have determined four crea weighing