Read the sentence
With Lucia's move to Arenal a small village located in the foothills of Arenal
Volcano in Costa Rica she finally said goodbye to New York City
The writer wants to highlight the information about Arenal. Which
revision most accurately achieves this effect and is written correctly?
With Lucia's move to Arenal, a small village located in the foothills of Arenal Vokano-in Costa
Rica-she finally said goodbye to New York City
With Lucia's move to Arenal, a small village located in the foothills of Arenal Volcano in Costa
Rica, she-hnally said goodbye to New York City
With Lucia's move to Arenal-a small village located in the foothills of Arenal Volcano in Costa
Rica-she finally said goodbye to New York City
With Lucia's move to Arenal-a small village located in the foothills of Arenal Volcano in Costa
said goodbye to New York City