Nearly all modern scientific telescopes are what kind? O Reflecting OSmith O Achromatic O Refracting O X-ray 4 What is the theoretical best performance a telescope can have? 1000 times the human eye Spectral lines O The blackbody curve O The speed of light O Diffraction limit Which of these statements regarding temperatures in the Sun's layers is true? O The hottest layer is the transition zone The surface of the Sun is hotter than the core O The topmost atmospheric layer, the corona, is hotter than the surface of the Sun The coldest layer of the Sun is the radiation zone O The bulk motion of hot and cold material in the danger zone sets up flows/cycles What is the name of our textbook? O The Cosmic Perspective Astronomy for Dummies O Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology O Astronomy Today This is a trick question, we aren't using a textbook in this class!