For your discussion post, create a target segment example for a familiar product or service. For example, you might choose a specific type of cell phone, car, airline service, or hotel. Or you could choose a completely different product or service. It is essential that you make a very specific choice and describe the key characteristics and features of the product or service you selected. Next you will define an appropriate target market for your chosen product/service. Include all the relevant defining elements for that audience. The audience can be defined in terms of demographics, psychographics, geographics, lifestyles, etc. Finally, explain why you have defined the target audience in the way you stated by connecting characteristics of the target audience with features of your chosen product or service. Your response should be written in three paragraphs, one for each of the three tasks I have asked you to complete: (1) selected specific product/service description; (2) target market (audience) definition; (3) explanation of connections between product/service and target market (audience).