The Eastpointe Cafe's average lunch sells for $21, while its variable costs per lunch average $8.00. It plans to advertise a Monday lunch special for $11. The special would cost Eastpointe $7.75 per meal. An advertisment in the local TV to promote the special would cost Eastpointe $300.*around to 2 decimal for percentage*around to whole number for lunchWhat are the cafe's contribution margin (CM)( ) and contribution margin ratio (CMR) to being with? ( )%What are the CM( ) and CMR( ) % based strictly on the lunch special-related price and cost? (around to 2 decimal (eg. 11.12)How many lunch covers must be sold to cover the promotion of the lunchon special?( )
Big Ben Hotel has one hundred rooms to sell to customers, but the paid occupancy is only 80%. The marginal cost for each room is fifiten dollar, The rack rate for the average room at Big Ben hotel is eighty dollar.Calculate the daily room revenue?( ) $ Calculate the daily room contribution margin?( ) $Calculate the equivalent room occupancy if the room rate is discounted 10%?( )% (around to 2 decimal)