
Chairman Emeritus and former CEO of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher was known for saying "You don't hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills."
The New England Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls (9 appearances) since 2001 and are arguably the most dominant and successful organization in the history of professional sports. Under coach Bill Belichick and owner Robert Kraft the organization has been employing the now coined Patriot Way of doing business. The fundamental concept that the team is bigger than any one person; it is the process that wins not the accomplishments of the individual. Coach Belichick is notorious for using players other teams have passed on, drafting players in lower rounds, and favoring role players over superstars. Rarely, if ever, is there news of players holding out and engaging in contract disputes or drama within the Patriots organization.
Many accuse the coach of ruling with an iron fist, however it is hard to dispute the results.
What do you feel is more important, placing people who will work well together or securing the "best" people with the necessary skill set to get the job done?
What is "talent" in your opinion?
What is more important for an organization, culture or results?
What is the success of an organizations leader ultimately judged against?