PART A: Written Marketing Plan
Project Scope: Please prepare a formal marketing plan by identifying an existing or new
product or service that is produced from the country of your choice in an international market
(Target Market/Country) where there is a potential market for your product or service you wish
to sell in your chosen market. select its target market as only one country per
the group is allowed. The business in question can be:
A real business (for which you may or may not be employed or contracted or the owner)
A business that does not exist yet, but the student proposes to setup
A fictitious business of your choice
a. The name of the company (Your Company Name)
b. The Product or Service
c. The Target Market
d. The Course Title (International Marketing)
The International Marketing PlanMUST NOT exceed 20 pages (Excluding the title page, table of
contents and appendices).
Please provide