[The following information applies to questions 7-10.] Imagine US is a startup that offers high definition 3D prenatal ultrasounds for high-end customers. The service process includes five activities that are conducted in the sequence described below. (The time required for each activity is shown in parentheses): Activity 1: Welcome a patient and explain the procedure. (8 minutes) Activity 2: Prep the patient (e.g., show them to the room, apply ultrasound gel). (5 minutes) Activity 3: Take images. (14 minutes) Activity 4: Analyze images. (12 minutes) Activity 5: Discuss diagnostic with the patient. (16 minutes) At each location, there are employees (servers) S1, S2, and S3. The assignment of tasks to servers is the following: 51 does Activity 1. 52 does Activities 2 and 3. $3 does Activities 4 and 5. Suppose that 2 patients arrive every hour on average. Ignoring any "start of day" or "end of day" effects, what is the utilization of Server 1 (as a %)?