Your assignment - discuss why the court decided the way that it did, and also discuss how the courts' decision relates to this week's readings, and the balance of power between the people and between different parts of the government - at both the state and federal level. Please be careful to speak of the legal analysis involved - not the political or personal motivations, if any, of the parties. You are encouraged to discuss and comment on other's observations, as long as it is respectful and constructive.
Please read the majority opinion in Wisconsin v. Palm
The first 30 pages are where you should concentrate. That is the majority opinion. Of course, you can read the rest, but the majority opinion is the controlling law. You do not need to print anything out, unless you want to. This case was released in early May. In this case the Wisconsin Supreme court overturned the state's C19 related stay-at-home orders. This case relates directly to the "sources of law" discussion in chapter 1, and the discussion of the role of the judiciary as discussed in the chapter. It also relates to issues of federalism, separation of powers, and freedom of assembly as discussed in chapter 2.