Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation according to the below business rules. Your design should be at the logical level – include primary and foreign key fields and remember to remove any many-to-many relationships.
Astronaut mission business rules:
• Every entity must have a surrogate primary key.
• An astronaut lives in a specific country, and many astronauts can be from the same
• The name for each astronaut must be stored in the database.
• The name for each country must be stored in the database.
• An astronaut is assigned to a mission to perform a specific role on board a specific vehicle.
• An astronaut and a vehicle can be assigned to multiple missions over time.
• The start date and end date of each mission must be stored in the database.
• The model and name of each vehicle must be stored in the database.
• The description of each role must be stored in the database.