1. Tell me ALL about the competition. ALL of it. Here’s a hint. Starbuck’s isn’t only competing with Einstein’s or other coffee shops. Right?? Who is their competition? Truly. Include current trends. Where is this market going? 2. Talk to me about TV- Radio- Film. Would you use these vehicles to promote? Why and How? Be as precise and detailed as you can. 3. Talk to me about Print- Newspaper- Magazines- Flyer- Newsletters. Would you use these vehicles to promote? Why and How? Be as precise and detailedas you can. 4. Talk to me about Social Media AND ANY OTHER creative strategies you can think of. Would you use these vehicles to promote? Why and How? Be as precise and detailed as you can. 5. Talk to me about something outside the box for your company and/or product and/or service. We have talked about different ideas during this course. Review the text. Review your notes. Review current ideas. How would YOU be creative to promote?? Why and How? Be as precise and detailed as you can. Question #5 is the most important question. I definitely want to see what you can come up with here from a creative standpoint.