
PLEASE NOTE: Task Students will select a company or organization (public sector or private) and conduct a high-level organizational profile. Student must answer the questions following questions:
1. What is the organization’s mission, vision and strategy?
2. Does the organization have strategies regarding risk, the environment, social responsibility, transparency, regulation, and innovation? If so, elaborate on their strategies or policies.
3. Does the organization have a supply strategy? a. If yes: what is it? Is it an effective strategy or not? And Why? b. If no: describe your suggested supply strategy for this organization and why.
4. What is the size of the organization? Does the organization have single or multiple location (are the locations global or domestic)? If not clear or available in your research, please speculate based on other available information.
5. What is the financial strength (or weakness) of the organization? The ability of the buying organization to pay its supplier on-time depends on the financial situation of this company.
6. Complete a risk analysis as if you were the supply manager of your chosen organization. The risk analysis should include at least 1 operational risk, 1 financial risk and 1 reputational risk. For each risk identified include: a. identify and classify supply risks b. complete an impact assessment c. risk strategy/mitigation
7. Knowing what you know now about the Organization, would you want to work there? Provide details as to the role or function you see yourself fitting into or if you do not want to work there – why?