Ethical issues are very important to organizations and the use of information systems has caused new issues related to ethics to arise. Ethics is generally defined as having to do with right and wrong behavior and it is not restricted only to topics governed by laws. However, not everyone agrees on what constitutes ethical behavior, but companies are interested in developing and maintaining a successful business while at the same time, being fair, just, and trustworthy. Ethical behavior in business includes personal integrity, honesty, fairness and respect for the rights of others. Many companies also try to screen potential employees based on these attributes. Question 2: For each of the following behaviors, indicate whether you consider it ethical or not ethical and provide a discussion why you think it is ethical or not ethical. If you think "it depends" is the most appropriate answer, please clearly justify. 1. Making a single copy of a software program that belongs to someone else for your personal use. You are doing this with that person's consent. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 2. Making a single copy of a software program that belongs to someone else for your business use. You are doing this with that person's consent. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 3. Selling a software program (its CDs) you bought but no longer need. However, the software has already been installed on your computer and you registered it using false information. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Her 4. Selling a software program (its CDs) you bought but no longer need. However, the software has already been installed on your computer and you registered it using truthful information. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 5. Keeping a secret record on your employees (That is, keeping information about an employee without the employee knowing it). [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 6. Monitoring the emails of your employees without their knowing it. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 7. Refusing to reimburse a client who suffered business losses because of incorrect data your computer provided to her. The inaccuracy was due to a programming error made by the programmer you contracted the job to. [Enter Your Two-Part Response Here] 8. Learning that a newly developed technology will protect your employees from the harmful physiological effects of working with their computers, and yet refusing to buy it for them because buying would put a dent in your company budget. Your employees do not know about the technology and there is no legal requirement imposed on companies to purchase it.